Works of Art Are of an Infinite Solitude
Works of art are of an infinite solitude, and no means of approach is so…
Mimnermus in Church
You promise heavens free from strife,
Pure truth, and perfect change of will;
But sweet,…
Pure truth, and perfect change of will;
But sweet,…
Wedded Love – Sonnet CXVI
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments: love is not love,…
Admit impediments: love is not love,…
The Rose-Bush
A child sleeps under a rose-bush fair,
The buds swell out in the soft May…
The buds swell out in the soft May…
“’T is but a little faded flower”
’T IS but a little faded flower,
But oh, how fondly dear!
’T will bring…
But oh, how fondly dear!
’T will bring…
The Approach of Age – Sonnet XII
When I do count the clock that tells the time,
And see the brave day…
And see the brave day…